April 14, 2019 ❖ Tags: writeup, security, reverse-engineering, capture-the-flag, x86, c, python
My long-lived hiatus from capture-the-flag has come to an end, as I got off my ass this weekend to play in PlaidCTF 2019. Being a one-man team is pretty lonely, but my old team wasn't playing, and even if they were, I don't know if I would've wanted to make the commute just to play with them.
March 02, 2017 ❖ Tags: writeup, programming, reverse-engineering, video-games, x86, c, python
About two months have passed since the first release of Nekopack - a tool I wrote for extracting game data from Nekopara's XP3 archives. While the process wasn't an amazing reverse-engineering war story that will keep you on the edge of your seat, I feel it deserves a small blog post explaining how I did it. Additionally, there's no real documentation on the XP3 format as far as I'm aware, so hopefully this post will serve as an informal specification.