
Slime the World: A Postmortem

November 02, 2018 ❖ Tags: writeup, video-games, programming, game-development, lua, lisp, fennel

Slime the World was my entry to this year's Autumn Lisp Game Jam, and it managed to win second place. The theme was slime, so it’s a game about covering everything in sight with slime, and the dialect of Lisp I chose to use was Fennel, a simple and elegant Lisp that I feel perfectly matches the simplicity and elegance of Lua. It takes on a more "modern" style that I associate with Lisps such as Clojure. I had initially pushed Clojure to the side, feeling it was too different from Common Lisp, but now that I've had a positive firsthand experience with a Lisp where lists aren't the data structure you always reach for, I'm hoping to return to it with an open mind.

When I signed up, I thought that the ten-day deadline was lax compared with some of the more well-known jams like Ludum Dare. Being given ten days to complete a submission was certainly more permissive than two would have been, but I found that participating in a game jam and simultaneously juggling coursework from university was challenging. To me, the point of a short deadline is so that you can sit down and focus on nothing but developing the game for the stretch of the jam, but even dedicating one weekend to working on the game felt irresponsible when I had papers to write, problem sets to grind, and exams to study for. I actually made myself submit the entry two days before the deadline so that I wouldn't be working on it when I went home to visit my family this past weekend. I had fun, though, didn't fall behind in my academics, and still had plenty of time to spend with the people I love most.

All in all, I'm very happy with my decision to participate. This was my first game jam, and I think given the smaller size and relatively laid back atmosphere, it was a wise choice for first jam. The dynamic nature of Lisp made for a pleasant game development experience, I had an opportunity to try my hand at sprite work in GIMP, and this is the first time I can say that I've "finished" one of my games! I've made plenty of prototypes (which I now feel inspired to return to and write a blog post about), but they never graduated past the prototype stage. This reminds me of a point in an entry to 3kliksphilip's "The Game Making Journey", which I took to be a suggestion to finish at least one relatively basic game before starting on something huge and deep1: "I had no idea what people wanted from my proper games, like Sundown Shambles or Don't Look Down, which were still not getting positive reviews even after weeks of development - to me these were perfect, or at least a lot closer to that status than other peoples' games and I had no idea of how I was supposed to improve on them further. I learned that I should build things from the ground up, getting it to work on a basic level before elaborating on it, rather than starting with some obscure or absurdly complex idea and shoe-horning it into something that people could play, relying on depth to compensate for lack of balance or fun." In my case, those prototypes never went anywhere because I wasn't focused on getting a simple base that was engaging, I had an underdeveloped vision of gameplay and tried to implement the entire thing at once, which inevitably led to me giving up.

Surprisingly, one of the highlights for me was actually adapting flood fill to figure out how many surfaces in the map can be slimed. It's a pleasingly simple algorithm, but until now, I've never had a reason to implement it. The following isn't the code that's actually used in the game - it's been significantly cleaned up, and works on maps made from text-based tiles instead of the structures that the game uses to represent tiles, but I'm including a little code walkthrough because I really just admire the simplicity of the algorithm. It's also decoupled from the game code if you want to run it yourself, just make sure lume.lua is present.

(local lume (require :lume))

(fn index-out-of-bounds [world x y]
  (or (< y 0) (>= y (# world))
      (< x 0) (>= x (# (. world (+ y 1))))))

(fn tile-at [world x y]
  (when (index-out-of-bounds world x y)
    (error (string.format "(%d, %d) is out of bounds" x y)))
  (. world (+ y 1) (+ x 1)))

(fn iter-tiles [world]
  (var x 0)
  (var y 0)

  (let [height (# world)]
    (fn []
      (if (< y height)
          (let [last-x x
                last-y y
                tile (tile-at world x y)
                width (- (# (. world (+ y 1))) 1)]
            (if (>= x width)
                  (set x 0)
                  (set y (+ 1 y)))
                (set x (+ 1 x)))
            (values last-x last-y tile))

;; Returns some tile in `world' of type `tile-type', or nil if no such tile is
;; present.
(fn find-any [tile-type world]
  (var res nil)
  (each [x y tile (iter-tiles world)]
    (when (and (= tile tile-type) (not res))
      (set res [x y])))

;; Returns whether or not `tile' exists in `checked'.
(fn tile-checked [checked x y]
  (lume.match checked
              (fn [tile]
                (let [(other-x other-y) (unpack tile)]
                  (and (= x other-x)
                       (= y other-y))))))

;; Modified implementation of <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood_fill>.
(fn count-surfaces-recur [world x y checked]
  (let [check-adjacent (fn [world x y checked]
                         (if (index-out-of-bounds world x y)
                             (if (= " " (tile-at world x y))
                                 (count-surfaces-recur world x y checked)
    (if (tile-checked checked x y)
        (do (table.insert checked [x y])
            (+ (check-adjacent world (+ x 1) y checked)
               (check-adjacent world (- x 1) y checked)
               (check-adjacent world x (+ y 1) checked)
               (check-adjacent world x (- y 1) checked))))))

;; Returns the number of slime-able surfaces in the given grid of tiles.
(fn count-surfaces [world]
  (let [seed (find-any " " world)]
    (when seed
      (let [(x y) (unpack seed)]
        (count-surfaces-recur world x y [])))))

(let [world [["█" "█" "█" "█"]
             ["█" " " "█" "█"]
             ["█" " " " " "█"]
             ["█" " " " " "█"]
             ["█" "█" "█" "█"]]]
  (print (count-surfaces world)))

There are a few shortcomings of this implementation (chiefly, the map has to be one enclosed space, there can't be any "empty" tiles around the map's border), but for the purposes of a game jam entry, it did the job wonderfully. lume is an excellent library that prides itself on being "geared towards gamedev," but as you can see from the code, it also provides some general iteration constructs that prove useful when programming in a more functional style. tile-at and index-out-of-bounds are just my mapping of cartesian coordinates onto a Lua array (which are indexed starting at 1, not 0). iter-tiles provides an iterator over the text-based world structure I'm using, yielding an x, a y, and the tile for every addressable location in the world. It's more stateful than I'd like, and I know that Lua supports stateless iterators, but I didn't really want to figure those out. Lisp is multi-paradigm, after all.

All count-surfaces does is find a place for count-surfaces-recur to start, which is where the real meat of the algorithm is. As the name implies, it's recursive:

  1. If the tile's been checked already, stop and return 0.
  2. For each adjacent tile (one step north, west, east, and south), sum:
    1. 1, if the tile is a wall (as that means we've hit one side of the tile)
    2. The return value of count-surfaces-recur if it isn't a wall
  3. Return that sum.

We're really just walking the map's empty space and keeping track of every time we hit the side of a tile. There are better ways to implement flood fill, but I think this is fairly easy to reason about and understand.

Participating in the game jam taught me several lessons, and there are a few I would like to share with you:

The First Solution Doesn't Have To Be The Best Solution

I find that, when I initially set out to write a blog post or something similar, I'm most effective if I direct my attention towards getting words down on paper and pay little mind to formatting or coherence. Both are easily addressed later on in the writing process, and having the words in a malleable medium gives me a framework to run with. This is different than the approach I typically take when programming, where I do a lot of planning in my head and strive to nail the most elegant solution on the first try. "Most elegant," being, of course, subjective. However, working within a strict deadline pushed me towards putting out some arguably "hackier" code, which in turn helped me to realize the usefulness of applying my "get words down on paper" methodology to programming. Allow me to elaborate with some examples.

The first iteration of the code for updating the camera looked like this:

;; Update camera.
(set camera-x (lume.lerp camera-x (- swanky-x camera-lock-goal-x) dt))
(set camera-y (lume.lerp camera-y (- swanky-y camera-lock-goal-y) dt))

;; Lock camera so that it doesn't go out of bounds.
(when (> 0 camera-x)
  (set camera-x 0))

(when (> 0 camera-y)
  (set camera-y 0))

(when (>= camera-x (- (* tile-width (- (. sandbox :width) 3)) screen-width))
  (set camera-x (- (* tile-width (- (. sandbox :width) 3)) screen-width)))

(when (>= camera-y (- (* tile-height (- (. sandbox :height) 2)) screen-height))
  (set camera-y (- (* tile-height (- (. sandbox :height) 2)) screen-height)))

All of the variables you see above, with the exception of dt, are globally accessible and mutable. This is typically frowned upon in production code, but I think that for a first iteration, globals make the code easier to think about, and that's more effective for grounding the ideas that you have.

Now that I was able to see which information was associated with which concepts in the code, I was able to replace the loose global variables with tables. This was the subsequent iteration:

;; Update camera.
(tset camera :x-pos (lume.lerp (. camera :x-pos)
                               (- (. player :x-pos) camera-lock-goal-x) (* 4 dt)))
(tset camera :y-pos (lume.lerp (. camera :y-pos)
                               (- (. player :y-pos) camera-lock-goal-x) (* 4 dt)))
;; Lock camera so that it doesn't go out of bounds.
(when (> 0 (. camera :x-pos))
  (tset camera :x-pos 0))

(when (> 0 (. camera :y-pos))
  (tset camera :y-pos 0))

(let [max-x (- (* (. map :tiles :width) (. world :width)) screen-width)]
  (when (>= (. camera :x-pos) max-x)
    (tset camera :x-pos max-x)))

(let [max-y (- (* (. map :tiles :height) (. world :height)) screen-height)]
  (when (>= (. camera :y-pos) max-y)
    (tset camera :y-pos max-y)))

I think this less readable, but again, much like with writing, formatting and coherence are things you can and should come back to. The current version of the game has more general function that abstracts this notion of updating the camera into a function that doesn't incur side effects.

(fn focus-on-object [camera object dt]
  (let [last-x (. camera :x-pos)
        last-y (. camera :y-pos)
        max-x (. camera :max-x)
        max-y (. camera :max-y)
        object-x (. object :x-pos)
        object-y (. object :y-pos)
        width (. object :width)
        height (. object :height)
        screen-width (. camera :screen-width)
        screen-height (. camera :screen-height)
        x-offset (math.floor (- (/ screen-width 2) (/ width 2)))
        y-offset (math.floor (- (/ screen-height 2) (/ height 2)))
        x (lume.lerp last-x (- object-x x-offset) (* 4 dt))
        y (lume.lerp last-y (- object-y y-offset) (* 4 dt))
        x (lume.clamp x 0 max-x)
        y (lume.clamp y 0 max-y)]
      (values x y)))

This version is still, in my opinion, "hacky." For one, the code is mostly field retrieval, and this could probably be broken up into smaller functions for clarity. I believe the reason for the upper bound on elegance was actually that I tried to refactor too early. I made the transition from global variables to tables within the first two days of the jam, so very few of the features in the final game had an initial implementation, and as such, I was lacking a complete "big picture" when designing the data layout.

Writing this section, I was reminded of a snippet from a Facebook post that was posted by one my idols, John Carmack: "I used a common pattern for me: get first results with hacky code, then write a brand new and clean implementation with the lessons learned, so they both exist and can be cross checked." I'm hoping to apply this to my future programming work. It's been said that "weeks of programming can save you hours of planning," but I think that getting some code down that works is an excellent precursor to the planning process.

Learn Your Tools Ahead Of Time

I was fortunate enough to have experience with Lua prior to the jam, so the general concepts regarding tables and such weren't foreign, and I had guidance in the form of Phil Hagelberg's blog post2, "in which a game jam is recounted further" and the source code to EXO_encounter 667. Regardless, I didn't learn Fennel until the jam had started. This wasn't a huge deal, as Lisps are syntactically identical and I was able to pick it up without much trouble, but there were inevitably nuances, and I really wish that I had at least played around with Fennel in the days leading up to the jam. It took me four days to realize that bindings in a let form could refer to earlier bindings in that same form, much like the behavior of let* in Common Lisp. It also took time to get used to reaching for tables and booleans rather than conses, and I never learned how macros work in Fennel. To my understanding, they have to be declared in separate modules, and there is no backquote syntax. Again, things I could have figured out had I just used Fennel prior to writing a game with it.

Also, I still do not know why, but fennel-mode does not work with my Emacs configuration. Some init.el bisecting revealed that (require 'package) messed up fennel-mode's indentation function somehow. Whenever I worked on the game, I had to run a separate emacs -q and eval-buffer on fennel-mode.el. Fortunately, it wasn't too inconveniencing, but it did make me want to redo my Emacs config at some point in the future.

Don't Be Too Ambitious

Going back to the point about juggling this with university, I probably could have picked a less ambitious idea for the jam. There were loads of unused assets and unimplemented ideas. I had plans for implementing particle systems, parallax scrolling, a big ol' Metroidvania-styled map with interconnected rooms, enemies, saving, gamepad support, &c, &c, &c. A minimal portion of my initial vision made it into the end product, to say the least. Toning back the idea blast probably would have helped me focus on what was important to implement.

Huge thanks to Michael Fiano for hosting the jam, and to the community for being so damn great. Everyone was willing to help one another - Phil was kind enough to share his makefile with me3, and I made plenty of friends along the way.



After returning to rewatch the series after publishing this post, I came to the realization that I was thinking of another point in another video. For those curious, the topic of finishing a simple game before tackling something bigger is covered in the fifth entry.


Which was actually my main inspiration to use Fennel for this jam.


Sadly, due to time constraints, I did not end up using it for the submission. I do, however, have intentions to go back and incorporate it into my post-jam fixes.

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