
Writeups for PlaidCTF 2019

April 14, 2019 ❖ Tags: writeup, security, reverse-engineering, capture-the-flag, x86, c, python

My long-lived hiatus from capture-the-flag has come to an end, as I got off my ass this weekend to play in PlaidCTF 2019. Being a one-man team is pretty lonely, but my old team wasn't playing, and even if they were, I don't know if I would've wanted to make the commute just to play with them.

The team name I came up with was 0x7c_Jake since I've been listening to a lot of Less than Jake recently and 0x7c is jl in x86. With any luck, though, I won't be playing under that team name again – I'm going to reach out to the ACM chapter at my university and ask about starting a team associated with the school.1

But I'd imagine that you don't care much for that. You're here for my challenge solutions, aren't you?

can you guess me (100 pts)

This was a pretty simple Python sandbox escape challenge. The constraint was that your input could have a maximum of 10 unique characters.

count_digits = len(set(inp))
if count_digits <= 10:          # Make sure it is a number
    val = eval(inp)

So if you were thinking of sending off print(secret_value_for_password), you're out of luck.

f = lambda x: (len(set(x)) <= 10, len(set(x)))
f("secret_value_for_password") # >>> (False, 15)

This was the challenge I poked at for warm up, and in about fifteen minutes I had what I believe is an unintended solution.

  ____         __   __           ____                     __  __
 / ___|__ _ _ _\ \ / /__  _   _ / ___|_   _  ___  ___ ___|  \/  | ___
| |   / _` | '_ \ V / _ \| | | | |  _| | | |/ _ \/ __/ __| |\/| |/ _ \
| |__| (_| | | | | | (_) | |_| | |_| | |_| |  __/\__ \__ \ |  | |  __/
 \____\__,_|_| |_|_|\___/ \__,_|\____|\__,_|\___||___/___/_|  |_|\___|

Input value: help(flag)
No Python documentation found for 'PCTF{hmm_so_you_were_Able_2_g0lf_it_down?_Here_have_a_flag}'.
Use help() to get the interactive help utility.
Use help(str) for help on the str class.

Nope. Better luck next time.

i can count (50 pts)

The premise of this challenge is that there's some integer encoded as an ASCII string. It's continually incremented by one and then checked against a check_flag2 function. The flag is just whatever integer satisfies check_flag.

You certainly could have reverse engineered check_flag and plugged all of its constraints into z3, but the function is 1394 bytes long. An easier solution is to realize that the constraints are checked for each digit of the integer, open the program in a debugger, set some breakpoints at various points in check_flag, and brute-force the value digit-by-digit.

This would've been a nice opportunity to use r2pipe or GDB's Python APIs, but I started this challenge close enough to the end of the competition that doing it by hand in GDB was the best course of action. I broke at check_flag+0x31 so I could see what the individual digit being checked was, as well as at check_flag+0x532 so I could see if the function was jumping to a ret – which would indicate that the digit doesn't satisfy the constraints. Every time I came across a correct digit, I'd add a bogus '/' to the end of the integer string with set *((char *)0x56555000+0x3048) = 0x2f3 so that check_flag started checking the following digit, rather than incrementing the integer and ruining everything. Again, the return key on my keyboard would have appreciated it if I scripted my solution, but it worked and I was able to get the flag of "PCTF{2052419606511006177}".

big_maffs (250 pts)

I found this challenge to be really difficult, and at the time of writing this, my solution is still running. I began by reverse engineering the binary to its equivalent C.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct string {
        uint64_t length;
        char *data;

static char peanut[] = {
        0x05, 0xbb, 0x01, 0x59, 0x6f, 0x06, 0x18, 0x61, 0x3d, 0xa0,
        0x3a, 0xe4, 0x9c, 0xe4, 0xe1, 0xe6, 0x73, 0x93, 0x81, 0xf2,
        0x10, 0x6b

static char banana[] = {
        0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
        0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,

static struct string *global_4090;

// 0x00001189    1 26           eom_error
void eom_error(void)
        puts("no more memory? https://downloadmoreram.com/");

// 0x000011a3    3 51           my_malloc
void *my_malloc(int size)
        char *ret;
        if ((ret = malloc(size)) == NULL) {
        return ret;

// 0x000011d6    3 62           my_realloc
void *my_realloc(char *data, int length)
        char *res;

        // STACK SIZE 0x20
        if ((res = realloc(data, length)) == NULL) {

        return res;

// 0x00001214    1 97           make_string
struct string *make_string(char *data, int n)
        struct string *ret;

        // STACK SIZE 0x20
        ret = my_malloc(sizeof(struct string));
        ret->data = my_malloc(n);
        memcpy(ret->data, data, n);
        ret->length = n;

        return ret;

// 0x00001695    7 72           all_null?
int all_null(struct string *s)
        int null_count;

        null_count = 0;
        while (null_count < s->length) {
                if (s->data[null_count] == '\0') {
                } else {
                        return 0;

        return 1;

// 0x000016dd    8 146          ends_with_digit?
int ends_with_digit(struct string *s)
        int i;

        // STACK SIZE 0x18
        if (all_null(s)) {
                return 0;

        i = s->length - 1;

        while (i >= 0) {
                if (s->data[i] == '\0') {
                } else {
                        // True for c > 64, as well as the following cases:
                        // - c == 1
                        // - 4 <= c <= 7
                        // - 16 <= c <= 31
                        return (s->data[i] & 0xaa) > (s->data[i] & 0x55);

        return 0;

// 0x00001275    1 70           resize_string_by_one
void resize_string_by_one(struct string *s)
        // STACK SIZE 0x10
        s->data = my_realloc(s->data, s->length);

// 0x000012bb   21 492          strum
void strum(struct string *a, struct string *b)
        int onion;
        int brisket;
        int cheese;
        char donut;
        char syrup;
        char carrot;
        char melon;
        char butter;

        // STACK SIZE 0x30

        butter = '\0';
        cheese = 0;

        // 0x13c3
        while (cheese < b->length) {
                melon = '\0';
                brisket = 0;

                while (brisket < 8) {
                        syrup = butter \
                                + ((a->data[cheese] >> brisket) & 1) \
                                + ((b->data[cheese] >> brisket) & 1);

                        if (banana[syrup + 2] != '\0') {
                                melon |= 1 << brisket;

                        butter = banana[syrup + 8];

                if (a->length == cheese) {

                a->data[cheese] = melon;

        while (butter != '\0') {
                if (cheese >= a->length) {

                carrot = '\0';
                onion = 0;

                while (onion < 8) {
                        donut = butter + ((a->data[cheese] >> onion) & 1);

                        if (banana[donut + 2] != '\0') {
                                carrot |= 1 << onion;

                        butter = banana[donut + 8];

                a->data[cheese] = carrot;

// This function is extremely similar to strum, but with 'subl %eax, %esi; movl
// %esi, %eax' at 0x00001335 instead of 'addl %esi, %eax'.
void bake(struct string *a, struct string *b)
        int onion;
        int brisket;
        int cheese;
        char donut;
        char syrup;
        char carrot;
        char melon;
        char butter;

        // STACK SIZE 0x30

        butter = '\0';
        cheese = 0;

        // 0x13c3

        while (cheese < b->length) {
                melon = '\0';
                brisket = 0;

                while (brisket < 8) {
                        syrup = butter \
                                + ((a->data[cheese] >> brisket) & 1) \
                                - ((b->data[cheese] >> brisket) & 1);

                        if (banana[syrup + 2] != '\0') {
                                melon |= 1 << brisket;

                        butter = banana[syrup + 8];

                if (a->length == cheese) {

                a->data[cheese] = melon;

        while (butter != '\0') {
                if (cheese >= a->length) {

                carrot = '\0';
                onion = 0;

                while (onion < 8) {
                        donut = butter + ((a->data[cheese] >> onion) & 1);

                        if (banana[donut + 2] != '\0') {
                                carrot |= 1 << onion;

                        butter = banana[donut + 8];

                a->data[cheese] = carrot;

struct string *gaze(struct string *a, struct string *b)
        struct string *local_8;
        struct string *local_10;
        struct string *local_18;
        struct string *local_20;
        struct string *local_28;

        // STACK SIZE 0x40

        if (all_null(a)) {
                local_28 = make_string("\x00", 1);
                strum(local_28, b);
                strum(local_28, global_4090);
                return local_28;

        if (all_null(b)) {
                local_20 = make_string("\x00", 1);
                strum(local_20, a);
                bake(local_20, global_4090);
                return gaze(local_20, global_4090);

        local_18 = make_string("\x00", 1);
        strum(local_18, b);
        bake(local_18, global_4090);

        local_10 = gaze(a, local_18);

        local_8 = make_string("\x00", 1);
        strum(local_8, a);
        bake(local_8, global_4090);

        return gaze(local_8, local_10);

void fcn_176f(struct string *a, struct string *b)
        // STACK SIZE 0x10
        while (!ends_with_digit(a)) {
                bake(a, b);
        strum(a, b);

// 0x00001935    4 230          main
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        struct string *local_8;
        struct string *local_10;
        struct string *local_18;
        int local_1c;

        // STACK SIZE 0x20
        global_4090 = make_string("\x01", 1);

        puts("Generating your flag, please wait warmly...");

        local_18 = make_string("\x1e", 1);
        local_10 = gaze(local_18, local_18);

        local_8  = make_string((void *) 0x206e, 0x17);
        fcn_176f(local_10, local_8);

        local_1c = 0;

        while (local_1c <= 0x15) {
                peanut[local_1c] ^= local_10->data[local_1c];

        printf("Your flag is: %s\n", peanut);
        return 0;

TL;DR: among other things, there's a function called gaze4 that recursively generates an XOR decryption key for peanut.

I took this be an "optimize me" challenge. My current solution memoizes the results of gaze into a linked list to reduce the number of recursive computations made. In retrospect, I probably should've used a binary search tree or a hash table instead of a linked list, but I was trying to quickly hack together a solution. Also in retrospect, I probably should spent my time figuring out what strum and bake really do and reversing the calculation rather than trying my hand at optimizing it. Ah, well.

One neat thing I found out about from working on this challenge was the MALLOC_CHECK_ environment variable recognized by glibc. If it's set to 0, heap corruption errors are silently ignored. My solution needed it, and I'm unsure of whether the heap corruption is in my translation of the original binary, or if it was in my memoization code. Either way, I have a feeling it will make itself useful again in the near future.

Addendum: As it turns out, memoization was a wildly sophomoric attempt at a solution, and the real solution was, as I mentioned, to figure out the purposes of strum and bake. It turns out that strum is base (-2) addition, bake is base (-2) subtraction, gaze is the Ackermann function, and that the structure is actually a bignum, not a string. In this case, that poor assumption led me down a wrong path. Once you figure that out, you'll need to put your modular arithmetic chops to work as well. An excellent writeup from sasdf of Balsn is available here.



So if you currently study at UMass Amherst and you'd be interested in joining a CTF team, shoot me an email!


The executable wasn't stripped.


Where 0x56555000 is the address that the binary was loaded to in memory, and 0x3048 is the beginning of the ASCII-encoded integer (plus an offset for whichever digit I was on)


This time the binary was stripped. I didn't bother updating the temporary names I used. Yes, I use foods for variables and random verbs for functions.

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